Published Date: 2025-01-12 15:30:19, Category: News (91602)Time: 05:20 min, View Count= 121 ( + More Social Media views ) , Rating= Title: Mixed Sprouts Falafel | मिक्स्ड स्प्राउट्स फलाफल | #MoongKiPathshala | Sanjeev Kapoor KhazanaKeywords: Mixed Sprouts Falafel | मिक्स्ड स्प्राउट्स फलाफल | #MoongKiPathshala | Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana Description: MIXED SPROUTS FALAFEL Ingredients gms mixed sprouts (chana, moong, moth) Oil to deep fry 1 spring onion with greens A few sprigs fresh curly parsley A few sprigs fresh coriander leaves 1 tbsp ch