Sorry, Could not connect to ALN database(DB).Error , line 44): SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User USR18 already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections
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అన్ని పత్రిక, టీవీ, సంక్షిప్త, రేడియో వార్తలు ఇక్కడే, అబ్బో అన్ని లింక్ లు గుర్తు వద్దు
Note :
* If you are voting from common place(Ex: office, library, cafe,...) then we will have same IP number for everyone. So you may not able to vote. If you are seeing pre-selected values or not found the 'Vote' button then someone already voted from that IP address
* Only one member can vote from a home because of same IP address. But your smart mobile may have different IP.